Elysian Roots was set up as a premier platform for sharing, promoting and advocating the Nutritional, Health and Environmental benefits of adding Mushrooms to our diets.
In many countries, from Canada, Spain, Oman, to China and even Australia, we found most people are actively coming together to find innovative ways to fulfill a duty of care to communities with less resources and therefore less access to healthier foods. There is also an urgent need to lead businesses which will try to reduce their long-term impact on the environment.
One of the major concerns is on how we grow, source and eat our food. There are certainly challenges ahead yet there is hope that through mushroom cultivation as well as their regular consumption, some human and planetary predicaments can be solved.
As a result, we wish to assist children and adults in learning about the incredible value of growing, adding and introducing Super Foods to our daily lives and in particular mushrooms.
Mushrooms are a serious alternative to meat and meat-based products. They are described as the most nutrient dense food on the planet. As they retain all those nutrients during cooking, drying, freezing, or canning – they are considered a type of SUPER food. And because the whole fruiting body (head and stem) can be eaten, it means there is NO wastage making them a powerful environmental ally. Oh, and one more thing, they are incredibly delicious too!
Mushrooming is a genuine passion, so we hope to be a helping hand on this fun and exciting journey to wellbeing.
Give Everyone access to Nature’s best and abundant nourishment.
“Progress starts with envisioning a new (yet old) lifestyle with the home as central to all aspects of life-work and leisure, food and energy. So, real progress means bringing the economy, beginning with the food economy, home again”. Jules Dervaes
For more information please contact: info@elysianroots.com